Lion Stout


This beer comes from Sri Lanka, an island not exactly known for its breweing.
The late great M.J. loved this beer.
I have to say sorry for the crappy pictures.
Colour: stout jet black,dark tan head,great legs,hint of red from a torch shine,but no light manages to make it’s way through.

Aroma: Honey/treacle,figs,prunes,plums,chocolate and mild coffee. McDonalds chocolate thick shake,port and brandy cream.


Taste: Very mild roast,weak Espresso with Amaretto,cream raisins coated in fudge followed by Lapsangsouchong tea.
Then there are hints of s peaty single malt with a very much soothing alcohol warmth,but less warmth than a Doubel.
Prunes come through as it warms.
This beer is WAY too smooth for it’s 8.8% alcohol.
The mouthfeel is that of Guiness on nitro crossed with that of a silky oily oatmeal stout.
It does NOT drink like a big beer,but like a pint of 4.5-5% stout.
The feel that coats your mouth is like that of the hottest woman you ever tasted.
It fills you with the joys of Christmas and Italian biscuits.
The beer almost shouts at you,daring you to remember that it hails from  the former Cylon.
This is do so so much more that a fine example of an export stout.
It is every kind of stout known to beer geekdome all rolled into one.


If it came in litre bottles, one would not heditate to buy it by by the crate load.
As you may see , a big surprise,it is also can conditioned.


The roastiness is restrained, but not enough to make you think you think it could be an imperial Schwartzbier.
It is the perfect ballance of strength,smoothness and stoutness.
It is up there with the best beers I have ever had.

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